

谁知道潮水会带来什么?14❤《洛奇》(Rocky Balboa)Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain’t how hard you can hit. It’s how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It’s how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.任何人可以攻击地像人生考验一样地残酷。



这才叫做胜利15❤《寻找佛罗斯特》(Finding Forrester)Someone I once knew wrote that we walk away from our dreams afraid that we may fail or worse yet, afraid we may succeed.我的一位故人曾经写道:我们总是不断远离自己的梦想■■■因为我们害怕因为梦想而失败■■■或者更糟的是■■■害怕因为梦想而成功。

16❤《沙地传奇》(The Sandlot)Kid, there are heroes and there are legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart, kid, and you’ll never go wrong.孩子■■■世上有英雄和神话。



17❤《哈利·波特与密室》(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices.决定我们成为什么样人的■■■不是我们的能力■■■而是我们的选择。

18❤《花木兰》(Mulan)The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.在逆境中盛开的花是最稀有❤最灿烂的花朵。

19❤《怪物史莱克》(Shrek)After a while, you learn to ignore the names people call you and just trust who you are. 过不了多久■■■你就能学会别管别人怎么看你■■■你只要相信自己就好。

20❤《和平战士》(Peaceful Warrior)The accident is your training.Life is choice.You can choose to be a victim or anything else you'd like to be.Accept that you don't control what will happen to you.车祸只是生活的一次考验。



21❤《生活多美好》(It's a Wonderful Life)Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?是不是很奇怪?每个人一生中都会影响到很多人■■■当他不存在的时候■■■会造成一个可怕的黑洞■■■你说呢?22❤《追梦赤子心》(Rudy)In this life time, you don’t have to prove nothing to nobody, except yourself. And after what you’ve gone through,if you haven’t done that by now, it ain’t gonna never happen.在这一生中■■■除了你自己■■■你不必向任何人证明自己。

23❤《狮子王》(The Lion King)Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.是的■■■过去也许是不堪回首的。


24❤《星球大战2:帝国反击战》(The Empire Strikes Back)Fear leads to anger...anger leads to hate...hate leads to suffering.恐惧带来愤怒……愤怒带来憎恨……憎恨带来痛苦。

25❤《遗愿清单》(The Bucket List)You know, the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. When their souls got to the entrance to heaven, the guards asked two questions. Their answers determined whether they were able to enter or not. ‘Have you found joy in your life?’ ‘Has your life brought joy to others?’古埃及人对于死亡有种美好的信念。




一❤ 你喜欢世间万物无所不奇■■■却不知我喜欢的仅仅是你。



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