











Remove sleep, a man can live for ten thousand days. The different between people in: are you live more than ten thousand days, or only live a day, the copy of more than ten thousand.2.我们宁愿重用一个活跃的侏儒■■■不要一个贪睡的巨人。

We would rather reuse an active dwarf than a sleeping giant.3.真正的人生■■■只有在经过艰难卓绝的斗争之后才能实现。

The real life, only after hard and struggle to realize after.4.上天是公平的■■■只要努力就会有收获■■■否则就是你不够努力。

God is fair, as long as effort will include results, otherwise is you hard enough.5.改造自己■■■总比禁止别人来得难。

Transform yourself, than to prohibit others more difficult.6.人生总要疯狂一次■■■拼搏一次。

Life is always crazy once, struggle a.7.世界上■■■成功的有两种人■■■一种人是傻子■■■一种人是疯子。


The world, successful there are two people, a man is fool, a man is mad. Fool will suffer, madness is action.8.衡量一个人的财富的标准在于我们失去周围的一切后还能剩下什么。

The measure of a man's wealth is the standard we lose all around after can also leave.9.浪费了今天■■■我们会在明天去填补今天■■■会再后天填补明天■■■我们的生命终将这样填不下去■■■一事无成。

Wasted today, we will be in tomorrow to fill today, will be acquired fill tomorrow, our life will be so fill not bottom go to, nothing at all.10.趁现在好好孝敬父母■■■不要等他们老了没有力气享受时才明白。

Now a good honor your father and your mother, don't wait until they had no strength to enjoy the old don't understand.11.不要埋怨自己的父母■■■他们没有错■■■想活得更好就自己努力。

Don't complain their parents, they have no wrong, want to live better is your efforts.12.其实父母想要的不是金钱而是一句简简单单的“我爱你”罢了。

In fact parents want is not money, but a simple "I love you" just.13.人生之路是有苦难堆砌而成的■■■要想走下去■■■就必须坚强。

the road of life is suffering a stack, want to go down, it must be strong.14.不要认为自己没用■■■只是还未到我们绽放的时刻罢了。

Don't think he was useless, but is not to our blossom moment just.15.一个人■■■如果你不逼自己一把■■■你根本不知道自己有多优秀。

A person, if you don't force yourself, you don't know that you have many good.16.梦想只要能持久■■■就能成为现实。

我们不就是生活在梦想中的吗?Dream as long as it can hold out for long time, can become a reality. We don't is life in the dream?17.路是脚踏出来的■■■历史是人写出来的。


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